

Sebastian Huth gives lectures for various organizations and companies worldwide and is also a frequently booked speaker at trade fairs.

Learn more about the topics of his lectures here:



Sebastian Huth gives lectures for various organizations and companies worldwide and is also a frequently booked speaker at trade fairs.

Learn more about the topics of his lectures here:

Information and inspiration about Bitcoin, the blockchain and other cryptocurrencies

  • Current situation on the international financial markets, in the banking sector and in geopolitics (zero interest rate policy, inflation, bank fees, abolition of cash, etc.)
  • Bitcoin and blockchain as a possible answer to the current situation
  • Detailed information about Bitcoin, the technology based on it, the blockchain and its application in global industries and in the humanitarian field
  • Outlook and inspiration about the potential of Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies and the blockchain
  • Overview of investment opportunities in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as mining, trading and investments in startups (ICOs)

Bitcoin, the blockchain and global change towards a truer, better world.

  • Current situation on the international financial markets, in the banking sector, in geopolitics and in the humanitarian sector.
  • Detailed information about Bitcoin, the technology based on it, the blockchain and the already visible effects worldwide
  • Dramatic changes in our world through Bitcoin and Blockchain for a better, more honest and fairer world (global payment system, bank the unbanked, cadastral entries on the blockchain, insurance, retail chains)
  • Bitcoin and the Blockchain, the revolution is here!

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